There are certain firsts in life that none of us will ever forget. Your first day of school. Your first kiss. Your first love. Your first restraining order. Momentous occasions all, just like a first I recently experienced: my first massively multiplayer online role playing game. I’m a huge Star Wars nerd. I don’t own the original trilogy, but my day is pretty much over if I find a marathon on cable. I’ve read pretty much every single book in the Expanded Universe and I habitually put down “Jedi” and snicker to myself anytime a form or person asks me for my religion. Han shot first, damn it, and I have no time for anyone who pays to see The Phantom Menace in 3D. I’ve got a white t-shirt festooned with Darth Vader, a gray t-shirt featuring an AT-AT built out of two @ symbols, and a light blue t-shirt Continue Reading